Sunday 29 August 2010

Lanolips Review

 I have only visited Australasia a couple times in my lifetime, and I can only really remember two things.

The first is that people there love to jump off things; whether its a death defying leap off a plane, a thrill seeking drop from a bungee or bombing down a mountain on a snowboard, the southern hemisphere is renowned for its love of extreme sports.

And secondly, funnily enough as the cliche goes, there were a lot of sheep. Well ladies and gents, although the prior is of course an exhilarating contribution to the rest of the world, I must say that lo and behold their sheep are in fact their greatest export.
Well, not the sheep exactly, but their produce.
Lanolin is a 100% natural product extracted from fleece of a sheep once it has been shorn, comparable to bees wax, which also closely resembles our own skin lipids. Which makes it perfect for hydrating and repairing dry or sensitive skin. Hello Lanolips!

Lanolips is a range of ointments that are aimed at naturally repairing and moisturising the skin. Today I received their original forumla the '101 Ointment' (on the left) as well as their tinted lipbalm. First of all the packaging is super cute, and small enough to fit in my day make up bag. Thumbs up.

So Lanolips are already famous for their 101 Ointment, which is under the same umbrella as Vaseline, Lucas' Paw Paw ointment or Elizabeth Arden's 8 Hour Cream, in that you can use it pretty much anywhere for dry skin in need of a bit of TLC. However all of these are petroleum based, meaning that the have a tendency to really dry our skin out if we stop using them, making us rely on the product. Ever notice that if you use vaseline on your lips they become seriously chapped if you stop using it?

Because the 101 Ointment is based on the natural wonders of Lanolin, it will replenish and nourish the skin, so that you have healthy skin whether you are wearing the product or not. Doctors love it too, seeing as it is a Medical  Grade Ointment, it can also be used on things like eczema and nappy rash.
And another thing, many of the heavy duty formulas normally carry quite a distintive smell: I have tried to like the 8 hour cream, I really have, but god does it reek. The 101 on the other hand, is conveniently ordour free.

Although the original formula is their star product, I have to say I am head over heels IN LOVE with their tinted lip balm. Armed with a 15 SPF this nectar of the gods is packed with moisturising goodness, and the colour goes on beautifully.

This one is the Rose colour, which is the most subtle out of all of them, as for a day to day balm I like it to look pretty and natural, however as pictured above they do come in darker reds and birghter corals if you prefer more of a pop.
 These have yet to make their UK appearance, but I believe they will do so in September, so keep an eye out folks!

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